HP-UX Software Assistant Release Notes (December 2011)

for the Java Virtual Machine. To work around this issue, select Tasks & LogsView Task Results...
from the HP SIM toolbar and delete all SWA Inventory tasks.
If SIM appears to hang when you select Tasks & LogsView Task Results..., it is possible to allocate
additional memory to Java using the following procedure:
1. Stop the SIM server.
# /sbin/init.d/hpsim stop
2. Edit /etc/opt/mx/config/globalsettings.props to include the following:
3. Restart the SIM server.
# /sbin/init.d/hpsim start
Once SIM has been restarted, the Task Results page should be accessible.
If the value of JVMMAXHEAP is not large enough, /var/opt/mx/logs/mxdomainmgr.0.log
will contain a message similar to
15:41:33,147 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
If this is seen, further increase the value of JVMMAXHEAP and restart the server.
Version C.01.00
The initial release of SWA does not support checking of the certificate revocation list (CRL).
NOTE: This item was fixed in the June 2007 release.
In the initial release of SWA, the default permissions of the /var/opt/swa/cache directory
are set to read only by root. In a subsequent release, Hewlett-Packard plans to allow read
access by non-root users to allow creation of depots by non-privileged users. Write access to
this directory will still be restricted, so the value of 'swcache' must be set to an alternate location
to allow non-root users to download software.
NOTE: This item was fixed in the June 2007 release.
The initial release of the SWA user interface does not implement the following Security Patch
Check (SPC) functionality. You would still have to run the security_patch_check command
to use these options. Please note that SPC is included in the SwAssistant bundle. See the
security_patch_check(1M) manpage.
This option causes security_patch_check to behave as though all ancestors (filesets)
are installed on the target system. This option is useful for analyzing a patch depot by
- or -f filename
Using - causes security_patch_check to read from standard input. Using -f
filename causes security_patch_check to read from a file.
Display output in a machine-parsable format. This format contains zero or more
recommended-action records in the format:
[<tab><tab>more-field-text]... }...
10 SWA Known Problems