Administrator's and User's Guide for SFM HP-UX 11i v3 September 2012

1. Repeat steps 1-5 from “Launching EMT” (page 73).
NOTE: The Enable Tracing option is not displayed if tracing is already enabled. Instead,
the Disable Tracing and the Modify Tracing option are displayed.
2. Select Enable Tracing on the top right corner of the page.
The Enable Tracing page is displayed.
3. Set the trace level by selecting the level from the trace level list.
4. Select Enable Tracing.
The tracing level is set and a confirmation message is displayed.
5. Click OK on the confirmation message window.
For more information about enabling tracing using the HP SMH GUI, select Help on the action
pane of the Enable Tracing page.
Enabling Tracing using the EMT CLI
To enable tracing using the EMT CLI, you must export the environment variable, EMTUI_TRACE.
To export EMTUI_TRACE, enter the following command at the HP-UX prompt:
# export EMTUI_TRACE=<trace value>
Tracing is now enabled. The trace value is the trace level that you want to set.
Modifying Tracing using the EMT GUI
To modify tracing the HP SMH GUI, complete the following steps:
1. Repeat steps 1-5 from “Launching EMT” (page 73).
NOTE: The Modify Tracing option is not displayed if tracing is not enabled.
2. Select Modify Tracing on the top right corner of the page.
The Modify Tracing page is displayed.
3. Change the trace level by selecting the level from the trace level list.
4. Select Modify Tracing.
The tracing level is modified and a confirmation message is displayed.
5. Click OK on the confirmation message window.
For more information about modifying tracing using the HP SMH GUI, select Help on the action
pane of the Modify Tracing page.
Modifying Tracing using the EMT CLI
To modify tracing using the EMT CLI, enter the following command at the HP-UX prompt:
# export EMT_TRACE_LEVEL=<new trace value>
Tracing is now modified. The new trace value is the trace level that you want to set.
Disabling Tracing using the EMT GUI
To disable tracing using the HP SMH GUI, complete the following steps:
1. Repeat steps 1-5 from “Launching EMT” (page 73).
NOTE: The Disable Tracing option is not displayed if tracing is not enabled.
2. Select Disable Tracing on the top right corner of the Simple Search page.
The tracing is disabled and a confirmation message is displayed.
Tracing EMT 79