HP-UX SysFaultMgmt (System Fault Management) (SFM) Release Notes (766969-001, March 2014) (Edition: 2)

NOTE: As part of this performance optimization, EMDProvider will not be a part of
SFMProviderModule from this release. EMDProvider was used internally by other providers
for fetching error metadata.
Support for Integrity rackmount server rx2900 i4.
From earlier releases
Following are the features tabulated from previous releases.
PostgreSQL version has been upgraded to 8.4 in SysFaultMgmt (System Fault Management)
(SFM) and ProviderSvcsBase (PSB) products, since September 2012 release.
Common location of configuration and log files for simpler management on IA servers :
SFM is enhanced to enable simpler management of configuration and log files from a common
location. Soft links are now available from the common location /var/opt/psb/diags/
conf/sfm and /var/opt/psb/diags/log/sfm to SFM configuration and log files
The slview now has a new manpage, and the IPMI Event Viewer has a new GUI help page.
A consistent property order is adapted for syslog events generated by SFM indication providers,
which is Providername, Perceived Severity, and Event Number.
Support for processing of pre-boot FPL events to generate WBEM indication is provided. A
configurable parameter, FPLPreBoot, is provided which can be configured to receive
pre-boot events from FPL Indication provider.
The sfmDBUtil is enhanced to support cleaning up specific DB. For information on the clean
option, see sfmDBUtil manpage.
A new configuration parameter MaxNumPagesAllowed replaces PageSize in
DBConfig.xml file. This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of pages
that can be occupied by the current database.
Enhancements of SysFaultMgmt (System Fault Management) (SFM)
Following enhancements are supported in C. (March 2014) release.
Enhancements to "ERROR" and "CRITICAL" logs reported in sfm.log, making it more
customer focused and user friendly for better understanding and debugging the issues. Support
for enhancement of ERROR and CRITICAL logs providing details, such as context of
the issue, customer impact, and resolution, if applicable.
Enhancements in cprop output for memory property page. Improved SMH memory error
property page and updates to documentation in Manpage and SysFaultMgmt (System Fault
Management) (SFM) Administration Guide.
SysFaultMgmt (System Fault Management) (SFM) related defects fixes
This section describes about the various defects fixed for SysFaultMgmt (System Fault
Management) (SFM) in HP-UX 11i v3 operating systems.
Defect fixes in C. (March 2014) release
Table 4 C.
DescriptionDefect ID
Problem: During VPAR resource reassignment, SysFaultMgmt (System Fault
Management) (SFM) inappropriately handled the release and liberation of allocated
10 SysFaultMgmt (System Fault Management) (SFM) providers