HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration Version A.03.50

# lanscan
Hardware Station Crd Hdw Net-Interface NM MAC HP-DLPI DLPI
Path Address In# State NamePPA ID Type Support Mjr#
0/0/3/0 0x00306E39F70B 0 UP lan0 snap0 1 ETHER Yes 119
0/1/2/0 0x00306E3977AB 1 UP lan1 snap1 2 ETHER Yes 119
0/4/1/0 0x00306E4CE96E 2 UP lan2 snap2 3 ETHER Yes 119
The hardware path from the output of lanscan on the guest matches the path in the guest
configuration file. The Station Address in the lanscan output also matches the guest virtual
MAC address in the guest configuration file.
8.2.2 Changing vswitches
You can use the -C option to change the physical network interface card (pNIC) the guest has
in use. For example, enter the lanscan command, as follows:
# lanscan
Hardware Station Crd Hdw Net-Interface NM MAC HP-DLPI DLPI
Path Address In# State NamePPA ID Type Support Mjr#
0/0/3/0 0x00306E4A93E6 0 UP lan0 snap0 1 ETHER Yes 119
0/1/2/0 0x00306E4A92EF 1 UP lan1 snap1 2 ETHER Yes 119
# hpvmnet
Name Number State Mode NamePPA MAC Address IP Address
======== ====== ======= ========= ======== ============== ===============
localnet 1 Up Shared N/A N/A
hostnet 296 Up Shared lan0 0x00306e4a93e6
If lan0 goes down, enter the following command to swap to use lan1:
# hpvmnet -C -S hostnet -n 1
# hpvmnet
Name Number State Mode NamePPA MAC Address IP Address
======== ====== ======= ========= ======== ============== ===============
localnet 1 Up Shared N/A N/A
hostnet 296 Up Shared lan1 0x00306E4A92EF
8.2.3 Cloning vswitches
Using the -N option with the -C option creates a new vswitch based on the changed vswitch
information. For example, the following command sequence displays the current vswitch
(vmvlan), modifies the vswitch to specify connection to lan1, and creates a new vswitch named
clnvlan. The final command displays information about the new vswitch.
# hpvmnet -S vmvlan
Name Number State Mode NamePPA MAC Address IP Address
======== ====== ======= ========= ======== ============== ===============
vmvlan 13 Up Shared lan900 0x00306e4bc7bf
[Port Configuration Details]
Port Port Untagged Number of Active VM
Number state VLANID Reserved VMs
======= ============ ======== ============ ============
1 Reserved none 1
2 Reserved 20 1
3 Reserved none 1
# hpvmnet -C -S vmvlan -n 1 -N clnvlan
# hpvmnet -S clnvlan
Name Number State Mode NamePPA MAC Address IP Address
======== ====== ======= ========= ======== ============== ===============
clnvlan 320 Down Shared lan1
[Port Configuration Details]
Port Port Untagged Number of Active VM
Number state VLANID Reserved VMs
8.2 Creating and Managing vswitches 113