HP VAN SDN Controller Administrator Guide

Change the Display and Alert Listing Order
In the default display (Figure 5, on page 10), alerts are displayed in descending order from
newest to oldest, based on the alert date and time. You can change the display order in any of
the following ways, by clicking on the appropriate column heading:
Severity: Groups alerts by alert level; to , or the reverse.
Date/Time: Oldest to newest (the default), or the reverse.
Origin: Alphabetical or the reverse, by internal controller component that generated the alert.
Topic: Alphabetical or the reverse, by controller function type. Shows the category under which
this alert should be considered. Multiple origins can contribute alerts to the same topic.
Controller ID: Numeric (hexadecimal) or reverse numeric. Provide the unique identification for
the HP VAN SDN Controller that generated the alert. Multiple controller IDs appear when
operating with a team of HP VAN SDN controllers. The controller ID identifies the controller that
generated the alert (and thus the controller that may require administrator attention).
Acknowledge Alerts
When the controller creates an alert, it appears in an “active” or unacknowledged state. Clicking
on the Acknowledge button indicates that the alert has been read. Acknowledged alerts
appear greyed-out in the Global Alerts view. If you want an acknowledged alert to retain
prominent visibility, select the alert and use the Unacknowledge button to return it to an
unacknowledged state.
Use the Alert Popup Window To Examine the Top Ten Active Alerts
The alert notification counter displays the count of unacknowledged alerts.
Figure 7 Unacknowledged Alerts
Clicking on the symbol displays an alert popup window showing the first ten
unacknowledged alerts. The listing order in the popup is the same as in the Global Alerts listing.