HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

You can use the -l (long) option to obtain detailed information about a job, as shown in this
$ bjobs -l 116
Job <116>, User <lsfadmin>, Project default, Status <RUN>, Queue <normal>, Co
mmand <srun sleep 50>
date time: Submitted from host <lsfhost.localdomain>, CWD <$HOME>, Ou
tput File <./>, 8 Processors Requested;
date time: Started on 8 Hosts/Processors <8*lsfhost.localdomain>, Exe
cution Home <hptc_cluster/hptc_cluster>, Execution CWD <hptc/hptc;
date time: slurm_id=7;ncpus=8;slurm_alloc=n[1-4];
r15s r1m r15m ut pg io ls it tmp swp mem
loadSched - - - - - - - - - - -
loadStop - - - - - - - - - - -
Note the output that identifies the SLURM_JOBID and the SLURM allocation:
date time: slurm_id=7;ncpus=8;slurm_alloc=n[1-4];
You can use the SLURM_JOBID with various SLURM commands, for example, use the squeue
command to view information about jobs in the SLURM scheduling queue and use the scontrol
show command to display the state of the job.
$ squeue -j 7
7 lsf hptclsf@ lsfadmin R 0:14 4 n[1-4]
$ scontrol show job 7
JobId=7 UserId=lsfadmin(502) GroupId=lsfadmin(503)
Name=LSFclustername@LSF_JOBID JobState=RUNNING
Priority=4294901755 Partition=lsf BatchFlag=0
AllocNode:Sid=n16:27450 TimeLimit=UNLIMITED
StartTime=10/11-17:54:05 EndTime=NONE
NodeList=n[1-4] NodeListIndecies=0,3,-1
ReqProcs=0 MinNodes=0 Shared=0 Contiguous=0
MinProcs=0 MinMemory=0 Features=(null) MinTmpDisk=0
ReqNodeList=(null) ReqNodeListIndecies=-1
ExcNodeList=(null) ExcNodeListIndecies=-1
The NAME= output of the scontrol show command returns the name of the LSF cluster (the
installation default is hptclsf) and the LSF-HPC with SLURM job number, separated by the
at character (@).
The bhist command reports the history of a job.
After you have gathered information about a job, you can use other useful LSF commands to
control LSF-HPC with SLURM jobs: bkill, bstop, and bresume.
The bkill command kills a running job. This command uses the SLURM scancel command.
The bstop command suspends the execution of a running job.
The bresume command resumes the execution of a suspended job.
For more information, see bkill(1), bstop(1), and bresume(1).
16.9 Maintaining Shell Prompts in LSF-HPC Interactive Shells
Launching an interactive shell under LSF-HPC integrated with SLURM removes shell prompts.
LSF-HPC integrated with SLURM makes use of a JOB_STARTER script for all queues; this script
is configured by default. It uses the SLURM srun command to ensure that user jobs run on the
first node in the allocation instead of the node from which the job was invoked.
Follow this procedure to edit the JOB_STARTER script to prevent the removal of shell prompts:
1. Log in as superuser (root).
2. Create a new directory, /hptc_cluster/lsf/bin:
# mkdir /hptc_cluster/lsf/bin
16.9 Maintaining Shell Prompts in LSF-HPC Interactive Shells 199