HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

2. Make sure that you are running an HP XC kernel. The HP XC kernels are identified by the
presence of XC in the kernel name:
# uname -a
Linux n16 2.4.21-15.7hp.XCsmp #1 SMP date ... GNU/Linux
3. Make sure that your system has Myrinet boards installed:
# lspci -v | grep Myrinet
05:0d.0 Network controller: MYRICOM Inc. Myrinet 2000 . . .
Subsystem: MYRICOM Inc. Myrinet 2000 Scalable Cluster Interconnect
4. Run the gm_debug test:
# /opt/gm/bin/gm_debug
This command should complete without errors; there should be no nonzero counters
containing the string bad.
5. Make sure all the Myrinet RPMs are installed:
# rpm -q -a
The version numbers for your HP XC system may differ from these.
6. Run the lsmod command to display loaded modules. You should have one Myrinet GM
loadable module installed.
# lsmod | grep -i gm
gm 589048 3
The size may differ from this output.
7. The Myrinet myri0 interface should be up. Use the ifconfig command to display the
interface network configuration:
# ifconfig myri0
myri0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:DD:49:2D:DA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:168 (168.0 b)
You can try to ping other nodes that are connected to the network.
21.4.2 Quadrics System Interconnect Troubleshooting
The following troubleshooting information applies to the Quadrics Elan4 and Elan3 system
interconnects. Perform these steps on any node on which you suspect a problem to determine if
your HP XC system is configured properly. If these tests pass but you are still experiencing
difficulty, see Chapter 20: Using Diagnostic Tools (page 231).
1. Run the appropriate test for your system interconnect:
For Elan4 systems: qselantest -D 0
For Elan3 systems: elantest
2. Make sure that you are running an HP XC kernel, with Quadrics support. The HP XC kernels
are identified by the presence of XC in the kernel name:
21.4 System Interconnect Troubleshooting 253