HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

8. If your system is configured for improved availability, enter the transfer_from_avail
# transfer_from_avail
9. Run the cluster_config utility to configure the nodes and set the imaging environment:
# ./cluster_config
The cluster_config utility prompts you for key information, as shown here:
a. The following menu is displayed:
[L]ist Nodes, [M]odify Nodes, [H]elp, [P]roceed, [Q]uit:
Modify the default role assignments depending upon your system requirements. When
you are finished with your modifications, enter P to proceed:
The cluster configuration is ready to be applied. Do it? [y/n] y
b. When prompted, enter y to regenerate ssh keys:
Root ssh keys for the cluster already exist
(Warning: you will not be able to ssh/pdsh to
other nodes until you reimage them)
Would you like to regenerate them? ([n]/y) y
c. When prompted, specify the same NTP server that you are using for SFS; the SFS and
HP XC clocks must be synchronized.
d. When prompted, supply the network type for your system:
Enter the network type of your system.
Valid choices are QMS32 or QMS64: [QMS64]:
e. When prompted, enable Web access to the Nagios monitoring application and create
a password for the nagiosadmin user. This password does not have to match any
other password on your system.
Running C50nagios
Would you like to enable web based monitoring? ([y]/n) y
Enter the password for the 'nagiosadmin' web user:
New password: your_nagios_password
Re-type new password: your_nagios_password
f. The cluster_config utility prompts you that it recognizes an existing slurm.conf
file and asks if you want to reconfigure it.
Answer y.
g. The golden image is created automatically, and all other system services are configured
and started.
10. Boot the system and propagate the golden image to the new node or nodes with the
startsys command:
# startsys --image_and_boot node_name
The node_name indicates the newly added node or nodes.
11. Run the spconfig utility.
# /opt/hptc/sbin/spconfig
268 Servicing the HP XC System