HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

A Installing LSF-HPC with SLURM into an Existing Standard
LSF Cluster
This appendix describes how to join an HP XC system running LSF-HPC with SLURM (integrated
with the SLURM resource manager) to an existing standard LSF Cluster without destroying
existing LSF-HPC with SLURM configuration. After installation, the HP XC system is treated as
one host in the overall LSF cluster, that is, it becomes a cluster within the LSF cluster. Figure A-1
depicts an HP XC node running Standard LSF connected by one wire to the nodes in the site LSF
Figure A-1 LSF-HPC with SLURM into an Existing Standard LSF Cluster
An existing LSF cluster typically has a single common LSF_TOP location, also known as the "LSF
root" or LSF "tree". Multiple versions of LSF are installed and centrally maintained at the LSF_TOP
location. Note that LSF_TOP is not an actual environment variable created by LSF, it is just used
to denote the LSF "root" in the documentation.
The procedures in this appendix installs LSF-HPC with SLURM into the LSF_TOP location on
the existing LSF cluster.
This installation retains the functionality currently used by the existing Standard LSF cluster,
while providing the SLURM support needed by the HP XC cluster.
This appendix consists of the following sections that correspond to the major tasks for installing
the cluster:
“HP XC Preparation” (page 290)
“Installing LSF-HPC with SLURM” (page 295)
“Perform Post Installation Tasks” (page 298)
“Configuring the LSF Alias” (page 299)
“Starting LSF on the HP XC System” (page 300)
“Sample Running Jobs” (page 301)
“Troubleshooting” (page 301)
A.1 Assumptions
The following points are assumed:
There will be a single LSF_TOP location shared by both the existing Standard LSF cluster
and the HP XC system. The LSF_TOP location will reside on the existing LSF cluster and it
will be exported to the HP XC system. The HP XC system will NFS-mount the LSF_TOP
location from the existing LSF cluster. Thus, changes made to the configuration files in
LSF_TOP/conf are visible to both clusters.
You should have an understanding of standard LSF installation and configuration procedures
to perform this procedure.
A.1 Assumptions 289