HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

7. Modify the Head Node.
These steps modify the head node and propagate those changes to the rest of the HP XC
system. The recommended method is to use the updateimage and the updateclient
commands as documented in Chapter 11: Distributing Software Throughout the System
(page 139). Make the modifications first, then propagate the following changes:
a. Lower the firewall on the HP XC external network.
LSF daemons communicate through pre-configured ports in the lsf.conf configuration
file, but the LSF commands open random ports for receiving information when they
communicate with the LSF daemons. Because an LSF cluster needs this "open" network
environment, trying to maintain a firewall becomes challenging. Security-aware
customers are welcome to try to get LSF running with firewalls, but those procedures
are beyond the scope of this documentation.
For this procedure, open the unprivileged ports (1024-65535) and one privileged port
(1023) on the external network by adding the following lines to
/etc/sysconfig/iptables.proto on the head node:
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -i External -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1023:65535 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -i External -p udp -m udp --dport 1023:65535 -j ACCEPT
This file establishes the initial firewall rules for all nodes on HP XC system. These new
rules open all the unprivileged ports externally and 1 privileged port (1023). Opening
the privileged port allows LSF commands run as root on HP XC to communicate with
non-XC LSF daemons, since LSF commands executed by root use privileged ports. If
necessary, opening the privileged port can be avoided.
These new rules need to be set up on every node in the HP XC system that could be
selected to run the LSF-HPC with SLURM daemons. In one of the steps that follows,
we will provide instructions on how to generate a new /etc/sysconfig/iptables
file on each HP XC node from the recently modified iptables.proto file.
b. Node-to-node communication.
LSF uses rsh and ssh (if configured) to control all the LSF daemons in the HP XC
system. LSF expects the selected mechanism to allow access to all nodes without a
HP discourages this use because it transmits unencrypted passwords through the
network, which can be received by any standard network-sniffing program. The rsh
command and its related packages are not installed on by default for this reason. Instead,
HP recommends the ssh command.
If you want to continue to use the rsh command within the Standard LSF cluster, install
its RPM packages on the head node now; these packages are available on the HP XC
c. Set Up the Expected LSF Environment
A typical LSF installation provides two environment setup files that, when sourced by
the user, will enable access to LSF binaries, man pages, and libraries by adjusting the
user's environment. These files are named profile.lsf and cshrc.lsf by default.
When LSF is installed locally on XC, two custom files are created that automatically
source the LSF environment setup files so that user has access to LSF as soon as he or
she logs into the HP XC system. These two files are /etc/profile.d/lsf.sh and
/etc/profile.d/lsf.csh. The current contents of these two files are shown below.
We will be replacing the old LSF_TOP, which was /opt/hptc/lsf/top, with the
new LSF_TOP location that is shared between the two clusters, which is /shared/lsf
in our example.
# cat lsf.sh
case $PATH in
*-slurm/etc:*) ;;
*:/opt/hptc/lsf/top*) ;;
if [ -f /opt/hptc/lsf/top/conf/profile.lsf ]; then
. /opt/hptc/lsf/top/conf/profile.lsf
A.4 HP XC Preparation 293