HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

d. The HP XC controllsf command can double as the Red Hat /etc/init.d/ service
script for starting LSF-HPC with SLURM when booting the HP XC system and stopping
LSF-HPC with SLURM when shutting it down.
When starting LSF-HPC with SLURM, the controllsf command establishes the LSF
alias and starts the LSF daemons. This command knows that LSF on HP XC should only
be started on one of the resource management nodes within the HP XC system, so it is
appropriate (and necessary for failover) to configure it on every node in the HP XC
Create the appropriate soft link to configure the controllsf command as the "service"
# which controllsf
# ln -s /opt/hptc/sbin/controllsf /etc/init.d/lsf
This configuration must be present on every node in the HP XC system.
This completes the changes to the head node. Now the golden image must be updated
with these changes, so that they can be propagated to the rest of the HP XC system. See
Chapter 11: Distributing Software Throughout the System (page 139) for the
recommended procedures to update the golden image and propagate the changes.
If HP XC roles need to be changed to ensure all resource management nodes have direct
access to the external network, use the cluster_config command to update the
golden image. Remember to enter 'n' when asked whether or not to install LSF locally.
If additional software such as rsh was not installed, the following procedures can be
used to update the golden image and propagate these changes with minimal impact to
a running HP XC system. Note that this will only propagate changes to nodes that are
i. Update the golden image with the following command:
# updateimage --gc `nodename nh` --image base_image --no-netboot
ii. Use the pdcp command to propagate the specific file changes to all nodes:
# pdcp -a /etc/sysconfig/iptables.proto /etc/sysconfig/iptables.proto
# pdcp -a /etc/profile.d/lsf.sh /etc/profile.d/lsf.sh
# pdcp -a /etc/profile.d/lsf.csh /etc/profile.d/lsf.csh
# pdcp -a /etc/init.d/lsf /etc/init.d/lsf
iii. Refresh the firewall on all nodes with the following command. This will update
the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file on all nodes with the changes made in a
previous step:
# pdsh -a "/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C04iptables nconfigure"
A.5 Installing LSF-HPC with SLURM
After the HP XC system is properly prepared, install LSF-HPC with SLURM into the LSF tree:
1. Preserve the existing environment setup files.
a. Change directory to the existing LSF_TOP/conf directory.
b. Rename the setup files by appending a unique identifier. For the sample case:
# cd /shared/lsf/conf
# mv profile.lsf profile.lsf.orig
# mv cshrc.lsf cshrc.lsf.orig
On installation, LSF-HPC with SLURM provides its own profile.lsf and cshrc.lsf
files, rename those files to a unique name and restore these files. The HP XC environment
setup files are only needed on HP XC system, and they are automatically sourced by the
/etc/profile.d/lsf.sh and /etc/profile.d/lsf.csh files when the user logs into
the HP XC system.
A.5 Installing LSF-HPC with SLURM 295