HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

3. Edit the LSF_TOP/conf/lsf.cluster.clustername file using the text editor of your
a. In the Host section, find the HP XC "node" and add slurm in the RESOURCES column.
For our example the new entry resembles the following:
Begin Host
HOSTNAME model type server r1m mem swp RESOURCES #Keywords
xclsf ! ! 1 3.5 () () (slurm)
End Host
b. In the Parameters section set up the floating client address range
(FLOAT_CLIENTS_ADDR_RANGE) using the nodeBase entry from Step 1. Using the
default, the new entry resembles the following:
Begin Parameters
PRODUCTS=LSF_Base ... Platform_HPC-LSF
End Parameters
c. Save the file and exit the text editor.
4. Edit the LSF_TOP/conf/lsf.conf file using the text editor of your choice:
a. Create or modify the LSF_SERVER_HOSTS variable to add the HP XC LSF "node", along
with the other LSF execution hosts in the HP XC system:
LSF_SERVER_HOSTS="plain xclsf"
b. Enable HP OEM licensing by adding the following variable:
c. Make sure the LSF_NON_PRIVILEGED_PORTS option is disabled or removed from
this file ('N' by default).
In Standard LSF Version 6.2 this is not supported, and you will get "bad port" messages
from the sbatchd and mbatchd daemons on a non-HP XC system node.
d. If you use ssh for node-to-node communication, set the following variable in lsf.conf
(assuming the ssh keys have been set up to allow access without a password):
e. Save the file and exit the text editor.
5. Optional: Configure any special queues specific to HP XC.
XC V2.1 recommends the use of a JOB_STARTER script to be configured for all queues on
a HP XC system. The default installation of LSF on the HP XC system provides default queue
configurations which can be found here: /opt/hptc/lsf/etc/configdir/lsb.queues.
The JOB_STARTER script and its helper scripts can be found in /opt/hptc/lsf/bin/
and may need to be moved to a shared location depending on how they are configured for
use. If they are moved, be sure to edit the job_starter.sh script and update the loc
definition, which provides the location of the helper scripts.
The intent of the JOB_STARTER script is to handle the case in which a job is launched on a
non-HP XC system node with minimal impact, so it can be configured on all queues. Use
good judgement in employing this script on your system.
6. Optional: Adjust the LSF environment files if necessary
When a new or different version of LSF is installed, it renames the old profile.lsf and
cshrc.lsf files before replacing them with the files from the most recent installation.
Ensure that these files are consistent with the HP XC default LSF environment files as
configured above.
A.7 Configuring the LSF Alias
Now that LSF has been installed, log out and log back into the HP XC system to establish the
proper LSF environment.
A.7 Configuring the LSF Alias 299