HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

troubleshooting, 263–265
LSF-HPC with SLURM failover, 203, 204, 264
running jobs, 205
LSF-HPC with SLURM integration, 191
LSF-HPC with SLURM interplay, 211
LSF-HPC with SLURM jobs
controlling, 198
monitoring, 198
lsf.conf file, 207
lshosts command, 202
lsload command, 202
LVS, 42, 60
director service, 28
manage_enclosure command, 34
manage_mcs_status command, 311, 312
managedb command, 34
archive, 83
backup, 83
dump, 85
purge, 84
restore, 83, 84
management hub services, 28
managing licenses, 79
manpages, 25
MCS, 311–314
log files, 313
MCS cluster monitor, 313
MCS traps monitor, 313
MCS device
as Nagios host, 313
monitored by Nagios, 311
status, 311
mcs.ini file, 311
mcs_config command, 312
mcs_local.cfg file, 311
mcs_trends.log file, 313
mcs_trends.staticdb file, 313
mdadm command, 228, 272
examining RAID array, 228
mdadm utility, 25
mirroring, 227
modifying a local user account, 160
Modular Cooling System (see MCS)
loading, 43, 213
managing, 43, 213
unloading, 43, 213
viewing available, 43, 213
viewing loaded, 43, 213
hierarchy, 88
strategy, 88
monitoring SLURM, 182
monitoring tools, 87
mounting file systems, 215
MPICH, 309–310
MUNGE authentication package, 262
Myrinet system interconnect
administrative password, 163
diagnostic tools, 238
troubleshooting, 252–253
MySQL, 29, 38, 81
accessing, 81
cannot connect to MySQL server, 245
Nagios, 61, 105–129, 182
changing default user name, 118
configuration files, 40
configuring, 120
customizing for MCS monitoring, 311
default alert message format, 124
default settings, 122
determining status of nagios service, 247
files, 107
global settings, 118
host, 106, 110
log files, 248
LSF monitoring, 203
LSF-HPC with SLURM monitoring, 203
main window, 107
MCS monitoring, 311
menu, 89
messages reported by, 249–252
optional configuration, 120
restarting, 115
Service Detail View, 110
Service Problems View, 112
stopping, 115
Tactical Overview, 110
troubleshooting, 247
updating configuration, 115
views, 109
web interface, 107
Nagios alert messages, 124
default format, 124
forwarding, 116
Nagios plug-in, 120
disabling, 120
MCS, 313
running manually, 248
Nagios report generator utility (see nrg utility)
nagios_monitor service, 61
nagios_vars.ini file, 117
MCS monitoring, 311
multiple %EXPR% expresseions, 249
Nan, 126
nand daemon (see Nan)
NAT, 42
administration, 131
client, 131
server, 131
service, 28
nconfigure script
defined, 65
netdump utility, 102–104
324 Index