HP XC System Software Administration Guide Version 3.2

Info: Serviceguard found running on these nodes: 'n16 n14'
Info: Starting transfer of services from Serviceguard...
stopAvailTool: ========== Executing
Stopping HP Serviceguard cluster [-C /usr/local/cmcluster/conf/avail1.config
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/nat.n16/nat.n16.config -P
er/conf/nat.n14/nat.n14.config -P
/lvs.n16.config -P
config -P
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/dbserver.n16/dbserver.n16.config ].
Halting cluster.
Deleting any cluster configuration.
stopAvailTool: ========== '/opt/hptc/availability/serviceguard/stop_avail'
hed, exited with 0(0)
restoreServices: ========== Executing '/usr/bin/ssh nh
12dbserver nxferfrom n16'...
Starting MySQL: [ OK ]
restoreServices: ========== '/usr/bin/ssh nh
nxferfrom n16' finished, exited with 0(0)
restoreServices: Info: DB up and running
restoreServices: ========== Executing '/opt/hptc/bin/pdsh -S -w n16
c/etc/nconfig.d/C50nat nxferfrom n16'...
restoreServices: ========== '/opt/hptc/bin/pdsh -S -w n16
fig.d/C50nat nxferfrom n16' finished, exited with 0(0)
restoreServices: ========== Executing '/opt/hptc/bin/pdsh -S -w n14
c/etc/nconfig.d/C50nat nxferfrom n14'...
restoreServices: ========== '/opt/hptc/bin/pdsh -S -w n14
fig.d/C50nat nxferfrom n14' finished, exited with 0(0)
Info: Successful transfer of services from Serviceguard.
52 Improved Availability