HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 3.1

avail> delete n7
Availability Set serviceguard: (n7 n8) deleted.
List all availability sets:
avail> list
Availability tools:
serviceguard (selected)
Current availability sets:
serviceguard: (n7 n8)
6. When you have finished associating nodes and availability tools into availability sets, enter the letter
b or the word back to return to the main availability set menu.
avail> back
[E]dit Availability Sets, [P]roceed, [Q]uit:
7. Do one of the following:
Enter the letter p if you have finished associating nodes into availability sets. Proceed to step 7.
Enter the letter e to continue adding or modifying availability sets. Return to step 3.
Enter the letter q to exit cluster_config utility.
8. At the following prompt, enter y to continue with the cluster_config utility; enter n to stay in the
availability set configuration menu.
Do you want to proceed to roles configuration? [y/n]
Proceed to “Task 9: Assign Node Roles” to evaluate the default node role configuration and re-adjust the
default role assignments where necessary.
3.10 Task 9: Assign Node Roles
Follow this procedure to use the cluster_config utility to view the default system configuration and
reassign roles to nodes where necessary. This task is especially important if you are configuring services
for improved availability.
1. When the following command-line menu options are displayed, enter the letter h or the word help
to display a description of each menu option. Entries are not case sensitive.
[L]ist Nodes, [M]odify Nodes, [A]nalyze, [H]elp, [P]roceed, [Q]uit: h
Valid commands are:
L - Lists discovered nodes with current location, assigned roles,
and external network connections
M - Modifies nodes with the Modify Node submenu
A - Analyze current configuration
H - Displays this help message
P - Proceeds to the next cluster configuration step
Q - Quits this utility leaving the cluster unmodified
[L]ist Nodes, [M]odify Nodes, [C]heck, [H]elp, [P]roceed, [Q]uit:
2. Enter the letter l to list the default configuration; then enter the letter b or the letter a to view an
abbreviated or full version of the output:
[L]ist Nodes, [M]odify Nodes, [A]nalyze, [H]elp, [P]roceed, [Q]uit: l
Output Type - a[B]breviated, [A]ll, [C]ancel:
68 Configuring and Imaging the System