HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 3.1

Info: confirming the list of services to transfer to availability...
Info: 'serviceguard' not running anywhere.
Info: Starting transfer of services to ServiceGuard...
Executing 'pdsh -S -w n7 '/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C50nat nxferto n7''...
pdsh@n8: n7: RC=0
'pdsh -S -w n7 '/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C50nat nxferto n7'' finished, exited with 0(0)
========== Executing 'pdsh -S -w n8 '/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C50nat nxferto n8''...
pdsh@n8: n8: RC=0
'pdsh -S -w n8 '/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C50nat nxferto n8'' finished, exited with 0(0)
Executing '/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C12dbserver nxferto n8'...
Stopping MySQL: [ OK ]
my.cnf 100% 287 0.3KB/s 00:00
'/opt/hptc/etc/nconfig.d/C12dbserver nxferto n8' finished, exited with 0(0)
Executing '/opt/hptc/availability/serviceguard/start_avail'...
Configuring HP Serviceguard cluster [-C
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/avail1.config -P
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/nat.n7/nat.n7.config -P
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/nat.n8/nat.n8.config -P
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/lvs.n8/lvs.n8.config -P
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/nagios.n8/nagios.n8.config -P
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf/dbserver.n8/dbserver.n8.config ].
Applying the cluster configuration.
Begin cluster verification...
Warning: No additional packages can be added to this cluster.
Adding node n7 to cluster avail1.
Adding node n8 to cluster avail1.
Completed the cluster creation.
Starting the cluster.
cmruncl : Validating network configuration...
cmruncl : Network validation complete
cmruncl : Waiting for cluster to form....
cmruncl : Cluster successfully formed.
cmruncl : Check the syslog files on all nodes in the cluster
84 Configuring and Imaging the System