SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

-c cpt (lowercase, --cpus-per-task=cpt)
assigns cpt CPUs per process for this job (default is one CPU/process). This option
supports multithreaded programs that require more than a single CPU/process for
best performance.
For multithreaded programs where the density of CPUs is more important than a
specic node count, use both -n and -c on the same SRUN execute line (rather than
-N). Thus -n 16 -c 2 results in whatever node allocation is needed to yield the requested
2 CPUs/process. This is the reverse of CPU overcommitment (see -N and -O, above).
--multi-prog assigns different executable programs with (perhaps) different arguments to each task.
When you use this option, SRUN's own argument is not a parallel program but instead
a 3-column conguration le that species your matrix of tasks, programs, and their
arguments. See the Multiple Program Usage (page 44) section below for details and
an example of using this option.
-p part (lowercase, --partition=part)
requests nodes only from the part partition (the default partition is assigned by the
system administrator on each separate LC machine).
-t min (lowercase, --time=min)
allocates a total of min minutes for this job to run (default is the current partition's
time limit). If min exceeds the partition's time limit, then the job never leaves the
PENDING state. When the time limit has been reached, SLURM sends each job
process SIGTERM followed (after a pause specied by SLURM's KillWait
conguration parameter) by SIGKILL.
-T nthreads (uppercase, --threads=nthreads)
requests that SRUN allocate nthreads threads to initiate and control the parallel tasks
in this job (default is the smaller of 10 or the number of nodes actually allocated,
SLURM Reference Manual - 23