SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

-J jobname (uppercase, --job-name=jobname)
species jobname as the identifying string for this job (along with its system-supplied
job ID, as stored in SLURM_JOBID) in responses to your queries about job status
(the default jobname is the executable program's name).
--jobid=jid initiates a job step under the already allocated job whose ID is jid (assigning jid to
the environment variable SLURM_JOBID has the same effect).
--mpi=mtype species the type of MPI for SLURM to support (ususally with special initialization
procedures), where mtype can be any one of:
list lists currently available MPI types to choose from.
lam starts one LAMD process per node and sets the special environment
variables needed for LAM MPI.
mpich-gm starts MPI for the Myrinet switch.
mvapich starts MPI for the Inniband switch.
none (default) performs no special initialization (works for many MPI
versions besides those mentioned above).
adjusts the job's scheduling priority, where nadjust can range from -10000 (highest
priority) to 10000 (lowest priority), with a default decrease of 100. Only privileged
SRUN users can raise job priority (with negative nadjust). Systems running the Maui
scheduler ignore this option.
-P jobid (uppercase, --dependency=jobid)
defers the start of this job until the job with jobid has completed. Many jobs can share
the same dependency jobid, even across different users. User SCONTROL (page 65)
to change jobid after submittal.
-q (lowercase, --quit-on-interrupt)
causes SRUN to quit immediately when it receives a CTRL-C (SIGINT). By default,
SRUN issues a status report after a single CTRL-C.
-U acct (uppercase, --account=acct)
charges this job's resource use to account acct on systems that have accounts (not
supported at LC). Use SCONTROL (page 65) to change acct after submittal.
-v (lowercase, --verbose)
reports verbose messages as SRUN executes your job (default is program output with
only overt error messages added). Using multiple -v options further increases message
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