SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

Affinity or NUMA Constraints
These SRUN constraints apply only to machines where the task-afnity or the NUMA (NonUniform
Memory Access) plugins have been enabled by the operating system. At LC, that includes only BlueGene/L.
binds tasks to CPUs (to prevent the operating system scheduler from moving the tasks
and spoiling possible memory optimization arrangements).
q[uiet] (default) quietly binds CPUs before the tasks run.
v[erbose] verbosely reports CPU binding before the tasks run.
Here type can be any one of these mutually exclusive alternatives:
no[ne] (default) does not bind tasks to CPUs.
rank binds tasks to CPUs by task rank.
map_cpu:idlist binds by mapping CPU IDs to tasks as specied in idlist, a
comma-delimited list cpuid1,cpuid2,...,cpuidn. SRUN interprets
CPU IDs as decimal values unless you precede each with 0x to
specify hexadecimal values.
mask_cpu:mlist binds by setting CPU masks on tasks as specied in mlist, a
comma-delimited list mask1,mask2,...,maskn. SRUN always
interprets masks as hexadecimal values (so using the 0x prex is
To have SLURM always report on the selected CPU binding for all SRUN instances
executed in a shell, you can enable verbose mode directly by typing:
setenv SLURM_CPU_BIND verbose
However, SLURM_CPU_BIND will not propagate to tasks (binding by default only
affects the rst execution of SRUN). To propagate --cpu_bind to successive SRUN
instances, excute the following in each task:
binds tasks to memory (to stabilize possible memory optimization arrangements).
WARNING: the resolution of CPU and memory binding may differ on some
architectures. CPU binding may occur at the level of cores within a processor while
memory binding may occur at the level of nodes (whose denition may vary from
one system to another). Hence, the use of any type other than NONE or LOCAL is
not recommended.
SLURM Reference Manual - 38