SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

GOAL: To build a customized status report about current SLURM-managed jobs, for example,
showing only job names, requested features (if any), and time used, with all rows in
alphabetical (instead of time-used) order.
STRATEGY: (1) Use SQUEUE's -o (lowercase oh, --format) option to specify which specic columns
(job properties) you want to report, the width of each column in characters, and the order
for the columns to appear (left to right). SQUEUE's general column-specication language
is described with -o in the options section (page 47) above. Here, %15j requests a
15-character job-name column, %10f requests a 10-character features-requested column,
and %15M requests a 15-character time-used column.
(2) Use SQUEUE's -S (uppercase ess, --sort) option to arrange rows alphabetically by
job name (j) rather than in the default order (the order shown in Example 1).
User: squeue -o "%15j %10f %15M" -S "j"
R20026 (null) 6:45:34
TVdebugSession (null) 25:18
batch (null) 1:52:09
bw73d.scr (null) 4:33:45
cale.mcr-icc-de (null) 4:34
case5_03_31_04. (null) 6:45:21
jeep (null) 20:14
jobrestartl (null) 3:09:13
mcrh2.bat (null) 1:37:24
mcrh2.bat (null) 10:31
mcrh2.bat (null) 10:14
mcrh2.bat (null) 9:16
mcrh2.bat (null) 2:32
old_config (null) 1:52:30
pu1.psub (null) 6:45:14
pu2.psub (null) 6:45:05
runkull (null) 0:49
runover (null) 6:45:27
runpF3d_mcr (null) 5:02:17
sst (null) 2:03:50
SLURM Reference Manual - 51