SLURM Reference Manual for HP XC System Software

-l (lowercase ell, --long)
displays four more output elds (page 58) (columns) than in SINFO's default report
(JOB_SIZE, ROOT, SHARE, GROUPS), but no more rows (instead try --all). This
option is incompatible with -o (--format). Combining -N with -l reports CPU count,
memory size, disk space, scheduling weight, and declared features (if any).
-n nodes (lowercase, --nodes=nodes)
reports information only for the specied nodes. For nodes use a quoted full node
name (e.g., "mcr224"), a quoted comma-delimited list of full node names (e.g.,
"mcr224,mcr225"), or a quoted range of nodes specied with brackets (e.g.,
-N (uppercase, --Node)
reports information in a node-oriented format (begins with node list and node count
columns). By default, SINFO reports information in a partition-oriented format. This
option is incompatible with -o (--format). Combining -N with -l reports CPU count,
memory size, disk space, scheduling weight, and declared features (if any).
-r (lowercase, --responding)
reports state information only for responding nodes (omits DOWN or DRAINED
-R (uppercase, --list-reasons)
reports, for each node that is currently DOWN or DRAINED, its name and the rst
35 characters of the "reason eld" optionally provided by the SLURM system
administrator. All other nodes are omitted (unless you invoke additional options). To
explicitly report the STATE as well as the REASON for each troubled node, you
must combine -R with -l (or use -o).
-s (lowercase, --summarize)
replaces SINFO's default format (one row for each different STATE in which some
nodes fall) with a compressed NODES(A|I|O|T) column that summarizes the count
of available|idle|other|total nodes in one string for each partition. This option is
incompatible with -o (--format).
-S sortkeys (uppercase, --sort=sortkeys)
sorts the (partition or node) rows in SINFO's report using the sort keys specied in
sortkeys, a comma-delimited list of the same eld (column) speciers used for and
explained in the -o (--format) option below. The default order is ascending; prex
each eld specier with minus (-) for descending order. The default sort for partitions
is --sort="#P,-t" (partitions ordered as congured in /etc/slurm/slurm.conf, then
decreasing node state). With -N, the default sort is --sort="N" (increasing node name).
SLURM Reference Manual - 55