HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

Enter the number that corresponds to the availability method you want to use (1/2) []:
If you enter 2 to configure improved availability of the hptc_cluster_fs service, provide
the following information about the shared storage. You cannot proceed until the shared
storage is in place. When prompted to supply the path to the system disk, enter the path to
the local disk on the backup server where the OS will reside.
You have elected to enable improved availability of the /hptc_cluster global file system.
Is the shared storage between nodes n1 and n2 configured (y/n)? []:
Your system has shared storage attached.
To ensure the XC software is installed on the correct
disk, specify the path to the system disk on n1: /full_path_to_disk
Setting up system disk for node n1 on /full_path_to_disk
This action erases all data on the specified disk.
Are you sure you want to use this disk (y/n)? []:
9. Specify how you want to configure improved availability of the dbserver service if you
have assigned the avail_node_management role to a node in an availability set. If you
have not configured an availability set with this service, omit this step and proceed to the
next step.
Executing C12dbserver gconfigure
Specify how to configure availability for dbserver:
1: standard (no improved availability)
2: serviceguard (use this tool for improved availability)
Enter the number that corresponds to the availability method you want to use (1/2) []
10. Define an LVS alias if you assigned a login role to one or more nodes. This alias is the name
by which users will log in to the system. If you did not assign a login role to any node, you
are not asked to supply an LVS alias.
Executing C20gmmon gconfigure
Executing C20smartd gconfigure
Executing C30syslogng_forward gconfigure
Executing C33imageserver gconfigure
Executing C35dhcp gconfigure
Executing C42mcs gconfigure
Executing C50cmf gconfigure
Executing C50lvs gconfigure
Enter the name of the cluster alias []: host_name.example.com
If you have configured the LVS director service for improved availability, you are
prompted to specify how you want to configure improved availability.
Specify how to configure availability for lvs:
1: standard (no improved availability)
2: serviceguard (use this tool for improved availability)
Enter the number that corresponds to the availability method you want to use (1/2) [1]:
You are also prompted to decide whether you want to configure the LVS director to
accept login sessions (that is, to be a real server).
The LVS director can be one of n[1-2].
Which node do you want to be the LVS director? [n1]:
Do you want the LVS director to act as a real server? [n]:
11. Enable web access to the Nagios monitoring application and create a password for the
nagiosadmin user. This password does not have to match any other password on the
system. In this example, the Nagios service has been configured with improved availability.
Executing C50nagios gconfigure
Specify how to configure availability for nagios:
1: standard (no improved availability)
2: serviceguard (use this tool for improved availability)
Enter the number that corresponds to the availability method you want to use (1/2) [1]:
Would you like to enable web based monitoring? ([y]/n) y
New password: your_nagios_password
108 Configuring and Imaging the System