HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

Re-type new password: your_nagios_password
Adding password for user nagiosadmin
You can create or modify nagios web accounts using the command:
# /usr/bin/htpasswd /opt/hptc/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
Creating /opt/hptc/etc/sysconfig/managementData.ini ...
12. Provide an additional external IP address to use as an external alias if you configured
improved availability for the NAT service:
Executing C50nat gconfigure
Specify how to configure availability for nat:
1: standard (no improved availability)
2: serviceguard (use this tool for improved availability)
Enter the number that corresponds to the availability method you want to use (1/2) [1]:
Enter the external IP address alias for server n1 []: IP_address
Enter the external IP address alias for server n2 []: IP_address
13. Specify how you want to configure the snmptrapd service if the hardware configuration
includes HP server blade enclosures or if you have defined an mcs.ini file to configure
MCS devices.
Enclosures and MCS devices are connected to the administration network, so accept the
default responses of Admin and loopback .
Enter the letter R to specify External and Interconnect if the system is configured with
additional SNMP-based devices that are connected to either the external or interconnect
networks but are not connected to the administration network.
Executing C50supermond gconfigure
Executing C51nagios_monitor gconfigure
Executing C52snmp_traps gconfigure
Configuring the snmptrapd service for the cluster.
SNMP traps are configured to be received over the following interfaces:
Snmptrapd is also configured to listen to the Nagios IP alias.
Enter any additional interfaces over which SNMP traps are to be received:
1) External
2) Interconnect
Use a space-separated list to specify multiple interfaces, for example, 1 2
or enter 'd' if you want to start again with the (d)efault configuration
or leave blank if you want to use the current configuration:
Interfaces over which traps will be accepted:
[O]k, [R]especify Interfaces: O
14. Provide information about SVA and the remote graphics software configuration if you
installed the SVA or remote graphics software:
Executing C52sva_stuff gconfigure
Does this cluster have a KVM attached to the visualization nodes (y/n)?
You must now specify the display nodes for the cluster.
Enter the host name of the first display node.
You can enter names like n[1-4] or n[1,3] too
Enter the host name of the next display node
leave blank if you have no more display nodes:
You must now specify the Remote Graphics nodes for the cluster.
Each Remote Graphics node must have an external ethernet address configured.
Enter the host name of the first Remote Graphics node.
You can enter names like n[1-4] or n[1,3] too
Enter the host name of the next Remote Graphics node
leave blank if you have no more Remote Graphics nodes:
6.5 Responding to cluster_config Questions 109