HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

11.10 Running HP MPI Tasks
The PBS Professional distribution contains a wrapper script named pbs_mpihp , which is used
to run HP MPI jobs. The wrapper script uses information about the current PBS Professional
allocation to construct a command line, and optionally, an appfile suitable for HP MPI.
The wrapper also sets the MPI_REMSH environment variable to the PBS Professional pbs_tmrsh
remote shell utility. This remote shell enables PBS Professional to keep track of communication
between MPI processes on different nodes.
To use the wrapper, replace the standard mpirun script and call the pbs_mpihp wrapper instead
in HP MPI job launch scripts. Two sample launch scripts are presented in the following examples:
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=2
/usr/pbs/bin/pbs_mpihp -np 8 <other_MPI_options> ./a.out
#PBS -l select=4:ncpus=2
/usr/pbs/bin/pbs_mpihp -np 8 <other_MPI_options> -f appfile
The PBS Professional documentation for the pbs_mpihp wrapper recommends replacing the
HP MPI mpirun command with a symbolic link to pbs_mpihp to make the presence of PBS
Professional completely transparent to HP MPI users.
On systems where PBS Professional is the only active queuing system, this transparency might
be desirable. However, on systems installed and configured with SLURM and PBS Professional,
you must first determine if this configuration is appropriate for your needs. For more information,
see the pbs_mpihp manpage and the PBS Professional Administrator's Guide.
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