HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

12.4.1 Download the Maui Scheduler Kit
Follow this procedure to download the Maui Scheduler kit:
1. Log in as the root user on the head node.
2. Download the Maui Scheduler kit to a convenient directory on the system. The Maui
Scheduler kit is available at:
12.4.2 Compile the Maui Scheduler from Its Source Distribution
To compile the Maui Scheduler from its source distribution, go to the directory where you
downloaded the Maui Scheduler kit and enter the following commands:
1. ./configure --with-key=42 --with-wiki --prefix=/opt/hptc/maui --exec—prefix=/opt/hptc/maui
2. gmake
3. gmake install
To access the Maui Scheduler commands, you must either create links from /opt/hptc/bin
to /opt/hptc/maui/bin, or add /opt/hptc/maui/bin to the default path. The Maui
Scheduler executable is located in the /opt/hptc/maui/sbin directory.
12.4.3 Update the Maui Scheduler Configuration File
Perform the following tasks to update the Maui Scheduler configuration file:
1. Use the text editor of your choice to add the following configuration parameters to the
/hptc_cluster/maui/maui.cfg file:
Note that n16 is name of the host where the SLURM controller is running. This name must
match ControlMachine in the /hptc_cluster/slurm/etc/slurm.conf file.
2. Adjust the polling interval by adding the following parameter to the maui.cfg file:
The SLURM Integration Guide suggests having the Maui Scheduler poll SLURM often. In
this case, you are setting the interval to every 20 seconds. A job submitted to an idle cluster
will not be initiated until the Maui Scheduler daemon polls SLURM and decides to run it.
3. Turn partition mode on by adding the following parameter to the maui.cfg file:
4. Determine the SLURM partition name. In order for the Maui Scheduler to access the SLURM
partition, you must define a partition in the maui.cfg file with the same name as the SLURM
partition. To determine the SLURM partition name, view the /hpcd_cluster/slurm/
etc/slurm.conf file, and find the following line:
PartitionName=PARTA Default=YES Shared=FORCE Nodes=n[13-16]
5. Define a partition in the maui.cfg file with the same name as the SLURM partition. To do
this, update the maui.cfg file to include the following lines. Use the partition information
determined in the previous step to specify the partition name in each line.
In this example, PARTA is the partition name, and n16, n15, n14, and n13 are nodes in the
12.4 Installing the Maui Scheduler 167