HP XC System Software Installation Guide Version 4.0

Enter the following command on the affected node to fix the network boot problem:
setnode --resync node_name
14.3.3 How To Monitor An Imaging Session
To monitor an imaging operation, use the tail -f command in another terminal window to
view the imaging log files.
It is possible to actually view an installation through the remote serial console, but to do so, you
must edit the /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default file before the installation begins and add
the correct serial console device to the APPEND line. If this is done, disable the cmfd services and
image a smaller group of nodes sat any one time. The network traffic caused by the serial console
can adversely affect the imaging operation.
14.4 Troubleshooting LSF and Licensing
This procedure describes what to do if you did not have the XC.lic license file in place before
you ran the cluster_config utility, which means that LSF does not function.
1. Begin this procedure as the root user on the head node.
2. Use the file copy utility of your choice (such as scp) to copy the XC.lic file to the /opt/
hptc/etc/license directory on the head node.
3. Make sure the file permissions are set to only allow root to have read and write access:
# chmod 600 /opt/hptc/etc/license/XC.lic
# ls -l /opt/hptc/etc/license/XC.lic
-rw------- 1 root root 941 Dec 20 10:34 XC.lic
4. Stop and start the license daemon:
# service hptc-lm stop
# service hptc-lm start
5. Determine the node on which LSF is running:
# controllsf show current
LSF is currently running on n16 and assigned to node n16
6. Log in to the node where LSF is running.
7. Restart the LSF LIM daemon:
# pkill lim
# lsadmin limstartup
Checking configuration files ...
No errors found
Restart LIM on <lsfhost.localdomain> ...... Done
14.5 Troubleshooting the OVP
The following list provides suggestions for troubleshooting OVP test failures:
The OVP issues a test failure if CPU usage on one or more nodes is found to be over 10
percent. In that case, use the top command to determine what processes are running and
consuming CPU resources.
CPU usage might hit a spike if the system is in a metrics collection phase. In that case, run
the OVP again to see if the spike is a one-time instance or if the problem is persistent. If the
problem is persistent, use the top command to determine what processes are running and
consuming CPU resources.
The OVP issues a test failure if memory usage on the compute nodes is more than 25 percent.
In that case, log in to the compute node and use the top command to determine what
processes are running and consuming memory.
Fri Dec 05 14:44:08 2008
180 Troubleshooting