HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.4.0-00 Administrator Guide (web) (TB581-96325, December 2012)

Table Of Contents
Unable to release the SLP service, but the removal will continue.
After the removal, release the SLP service.
To release the SLP service:
1. Log on as a member of the Administrator group.
2. Show the command prompt and move to the folder containing the OpenSLP executable file.
3. Release the SLP service from Windows services.
Execute the following command:
slpd -remove
Setting up service discovery (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
OpenSLP files are automatically copied over when P9000 Command View AE Suite is installed.
Settings do not need to be specified after installation, and the service discovery function can be used
as is.
If the following message is displayed when Device Manager is removed, manually release the SLP
daemon from the Linux daemons.
Unable to release the SLP service, but the removal will continue.
After the removal, release the SLP service.
To release the SLP daemon:
1. Log on as the root user.
2. Stop the SLP daemon.
slpd.sh stop
3. If /etc/init.d/slpd exists, delete it.
# chkconfig --level 01345 slpd off
# chkconfig --del slpd
# rm -f /etc/init.d/slpd
Setting up service discovery (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server)
OpenSLP is provided with the standard configuration. No settings are required to use the service
discovery function after installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. You can use the service discovery
function as is.
Administrator Guide (Web Version) 159