HP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.3.1-00 User Guide

remote paths
about, 113
conditions, 113
creating, 113 - 114
deleting, 309
editing, 307
managing, 307
wizard, 114
remote_MU, 365
generation, 157
about, 365, 384 - 385
check status workflow, 415
concealing secondary volumes, 61
configuration requirements, 379
create (workflow), 384
creating, 373, 386
data protection status, 284 - 285
data types, 379
generations, 147, 365
information stores, 390
mounting/unmounting, 414
precautions, 368, 383
resources, 415
restoring, 376, 392
restoring (simple), 393
restoring from history, 394
roll forward, 387
rotation, 365
scheduling, 387
tape, 408
tape backups, 401
VDI Meta File Generation Timeout, 64
verification, 62
resource group
about, 85
adding hosts to, 87
adding storage systems to, 87
adding users to, 88
creating, 86
deleting, 355
deleting multple, 356
editing, 352
management, 351
removing host, 353
removing subsystem, 354
removing user, 354
viewing, 353
viewing individual, 353
management, 92
Restore Replica Wizard, 392
resync, 98, 120, 162, 213
retention period, 134
about, 134
editing, 135
viewing, 135
Reveal Secondary volumes option, 61
RPM-00451 error message, 174
RPO, 21
RTO, 21
S-VOL, 143
about tasks, 163
copy pair configuration definitions, 145
Pair Configuration Wizard, 139
Scheduling Tasks, 166
task execution, modifying, 166
tasks, editing, 166
user passwords, changing, 331, 337
users and permissions, 79
warning banner, 349
server.agent.rm.cuLdevForm parameter, 146
server.agent.rm.exclusion.instance, 155
server.agent.rm.pairDefinitionForm property,
sidefile usage
exporting, 425
checking buffer usage, 283
performance monitoring, 279
about, 92
adding, 93
adding storage systems, 95
deleting, 317 - 318
editing, 315
hosts, adding, 94
hosts, removing, 316
pair management servers, 96, 317
removing storage systems from, 316
set up, 92
viewing, 315
viewing (individual), 315
Snapshot, 115, 160
snapshot image, 279
SNMP email, 267, 278
Monitoring Resource Utilization (Pools and
Journal Groups), 282
SNMP trap, 123, 267, 319, 417, 420
SP-VOL, 143
speed, 120
split, 213
Split (SSWS), 230
User Guide 465