HP StorageWorks P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.1.1 Administrator Guide (web) (TB581-96065, September 2011)

6. Execute the following command to back up the database at the executing node.
installation-folder-of-Common-Component\bin\hcmdsbackups /dir
target-folder-for-storing-backup-files /auto
Using an absolute path, specify the local disk folder for the database backup files.
Verify that the folder for the dir option is empty.
This option automatically changes the P9000 Command View AE Suite product services and
the HiRDB service to the statuses required for backing up the database. After the command
is completed, the P9000 Command View AE Suite product services and the HiRDB service
become active.
When you execute the hcmdsbackups command, a folder named database is created
in the target folder for storing backup files, and a database backup file is created with the
name backup.hdb.
7. If HiRDB is currently using a different port number than the default (23032/tcp), keep a note of
the current port number.
Setting up a cluster environment180