HP StorageWorks P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.1 CLI User Guide (TB584-96026, May 2011)

Creating a host environment settings file
Host environment settings files are created depending on the configuration of the system using extended
commands. These files must be located on each server. The host environment settings file is created
automatically during installation. Check the contents of the file as necessary.
The host environment settings file is created in the following location:
A sample host environment settings file is provided in the following location:
The following table shows the entries of a host environment settings file, the values of them, and the
maximum value lengths (in bytes).
Table 61 Value and maximum value length of each entry in a host environment settings file
Specifiable val-
ues (default)
ExplanationEntry name
DB or BK (DB)
This entry specifies a host type. Specify
DB for the file server or the database
server, and BK for the backup server.
1000 to 100000
This entry specifies the maximum number
of lines that the log file for scripts can
contain. Specify an integer (specifiable
range: from 1,000 to 100,000).
One extended command outputs
approximately 20 lines. Note, however,
that when you execute EX_DRM_FTP_PUT
or EX_DRM_FTP_GET, approximately 100
lines are output.
Specifies whether to output messages from
basic commands that are executed
internally by an extended command.
If NORMAL is specified, messages from
basic commands are not output. If DETAIL
is specified, messages from basic
commands are output.
Messages from basic commands are not
output to a script log file.
Y: Can be omitted.
N: Cannot be omitted.
For an item that can be omitted, the default value is used for operation.
After creating the host environment settings file, in the created server execute the check tool
(EX_DRM_HOST_DEF_CHECK) for the host environment settings file as follows:
On the file or database server:
EX_DRM_HOST_DEF_CHECK -db -f host-environment-settings-file
CLI User Guide 185