HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition Administrator Guide (Web Version) (TK981-96004, May 2014)

2. Execute the hcmds64db command to restore the database.
In Windows:
tion\Base64\bin\hcmds64db /restore backup-file /type name-of-the-
HP-XP7-Command-View-Advanced-Edition-product-to-be-restored /auto
In Linux:
Base64/bin/hcmds64db -restore backup-file -type name-of-the-HP-XP7-
Command-View-Advanced-Edition-product-to-be-restored -auto
Specify the absolute path to the database backup file (backup.hdb) that was created by
using the hcmds64backups command. In Linux, do not specify a path that includes a space.
As a rule, specify ALL. If you specify ALL, the databases of all HP XP7 Command View
Advanced Edition products that are installed on the management server are restored at once.
To restore the database of only a specific HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition product
because of a failure or other reasons, specify the name of the product to be restored as listed
in the following table.
Table 54 Values to specify for the type option when restoring databases (In a non-cluster
Device Manager
Tiered Storage Manager
Replication Manager
Refer to the manual for each product.Other products
Automatically starts or stops HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition services.
3. If DeviceManager is specified for the type option, specify true for the
server.base.initialsynchro property on the Device Manager server.
4. If TieredStorageManager is specified for the type option, specify true for the
server.base.initialsynchro property on the Tiered Storage Manager server.
5. Start the HP XP7 Command View Advanced Edition product services.
6. Change the value of the server.base.initialsynchro property on the Device Manager
server back to false.
7. Change the value of the server.base.initialsynchro property on the Tiered Storage
Manager server back to false.
8. If you specified ALL or DeviceManager for the type option, refresh the storage system from
the Device Manager GUI or CLI.
9. If you restored the management server database at the Replication Manager secondary site,
refresh the configuration information by using the Replication Manager GUI to synchronize the
Replication Manager database at the primary site and the Device Manager database at the
secondary site.
Administrator Guide (Web Version) 177