HP XP7 Replication Manager Application Agent CLI User Guide (TK981-96015, May 2014)

2. Restore data from its backup tape to the secondary volume.
To restore data, execute EX_DRM_TAPE_RESTORE on the backup server at the local site.
hostA > EX_DRM_TAPE_RESTORE opid_SQL -backup_id 0000000002
3. Export the backup information to temporary files.
To restore data from the secondary volume to the primary volume, the backup information about
the restore operation from tape to the secondary volume needs to be copied to the database
server. To export the backup information to temporary files in the temporary directory for extended
commands, execute EX_DRM_DB_EXPORT on the backup server at the local site.
4. Receive the temporary files on the database server.
To receive the temporary files of the backup server on the database server, execute
EX_DRM_FTP_GET on the database server at the local site. In this example, the user ID to log
on to the FTP server is admin and the login password is password. The temporary files are
stored in the directory for extended commands, on the database server.
hostB > EX_DRM_FTP_GET opid_SQL -server hostA -user admin -password
5. Import the temporary files, which were transmitted from the backup server, into the backup catalog
on the database server.
To import the temporary files, which were transmitted from the backup server, into the backup
catalog on the database server, execute EX_DRM_DB_IMPORT on the database server at the
local site.
6. Restore the data from the secondary volume to the primary volume.
Restore the data by resynchronizing the primary and secondary volumes at the local site. To
restore the data, execute EX_DRM_SQL_RESTORE on the backup server at the local site.
hostB > EX_DRM_SQL_RESTORE opid_SQL -resync
Operation for SQL Server databases340