HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.6.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

access control, 43
acquiring Device Manager server information
GetServerInfo, 324
AddArrayReservation, 49
AddConfigFileForReplication, 327
AddExternalArrayGroup, 51
AddHost, 274
AddHostInfo, 276
AddHostRefresh, 278
AddHostStorageDomain, 56
AddLabel, 66
AddLogicalUnit, 68
AddLun, 260
AddLUSE, 74
AddPool, 78
AddReplication, 337
AddReplication (for Fast Snap), 350
AddStorageArray, 88
AddTieredPoolOperation, 93
AddURLLink, 319
AddVirtualizationServer, 280
AddVirtualVolume, 96
AddWWNForHostStorageDomain, 265
DeleteAlerts, 320
GetAlerts, 323
Alert instance, 371
ArrayGroup instance, 372
ArrayReservation instance, 376
batch file
conditions for parameters, 445
example of creation, 451
format, 444
input rules, 444
input rules for command lines, 444
batch functionality
about creation of batch files, 443
batch file format, 444
batch file input rules, 444
commands that can be executed, 443
conditions for parameters, 445
example of batch file creation, 451
examples of use, 452
executing, 451
Help, 33
input rules for command lines, 444
results, 452
character codes
checking license
GetServerInfo, 324
command execution results
suppressing output, 30
command syntax
Device Manager CLI, 27
list of host management commands, 39
list of logical group commands, 37
list of LUN commands, 38
list of replication commands, 40
list of server management commands, 39
list of storage system management commands,
related to host management, 273
related to logical groups, 257
related to LUNs, 260
related to replication, 327
related to server management, 319
related to storage system management, 49
CommParameters instance, 377
Component instance, 379
ConfigFile instance, 380
conventions of creating
host information file (CSV file), 462
mapping definition file, 463
CLI Reference Guide 509