HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.4 Troubleshooting and FAQs Guide (T1789-96336, April 2012)

Alarm configuration data
Custom groups
Why am I not able to install the latest version of P9000 Performance Advisor
after removing the existing version?
It can be due to traces of the existing version still remaining on the management station. Refer to in
the Troubleshooting section for the procedures on how to remove the existing versions completely and
restart the installations.
Why is UNIX host agent installing failing with JAVA not found error?
While installing a P9000 Performance Advisor UNIX host agent, the installation might fail displaying
the following error:
JAVA not found
The reason might be that the Path system variable on your host is not pointing to the location where
JRE is installed.
Complete the following steps to configure the Path system variable environment variable on your
host must point to the installed JRE location. To set the Java PATH, enter the following command in
the command prompt window:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/java1.5/bin
You can verify whether the Path variable is updated by typing echo %path% in the command
prompt window. The output lists the paths that are set on your management station, and should include
I have completed installing P9000 Performance Advisor on the management
station, but I am not seeing the P9000 Performance Advisor host agent records
After installing P9000 Performance Advisor on the management station, you have to complete the
host agents installation. Only then, you will be able to view the host agent records in the Host
Information table (Array View > Host Information tab). For more information on downloading and
installing P9000 Performance Advisor host agents, see the HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance
Advisor Software Installation Guide.
I have upgraded P9000 Performance Advisor to v4.5.1 and not able to perform
Inband mode of configuration data collection for XP10000, XP12000, XP20000,
and XP24000 type arrays. Why?
This prerequisite is applicable only on P9000 Performance Advisor v4.5.1.
Upgrade to P9000 Performance Advisor v4.5.1, only if you are able to register the XP disk arrays
SVP IP addresses with P9000 Performance Advisor. This prerequisite is mandatory for the XP10000,
XP12000, XP20000, and XP24000 type arrays and applicable for both the Inband, and Outband
mode of configuration data collections. This is because, P9000 Performance Advisor first gets the
raw capacity of the XP disk arrays during the configuration data collection using the Outband mode.
Frequently Asked Questions86