HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.1-00 Configuration Guide

3. Use the Cluster Administrator wizard to add the new resource to the cluster resource group with
the name virtual-server-name (such as a cluster resource group for Exchange Server).
Resource type: Generic script
Script file path: Path name of the created VBScript file
If the VBScript file is stored on a shared disk for nodes, be sure and register this shared disk as
a physical disk resource in the Resource dependencies field in the Dependencies dialog box.
Sample VBScript file
CHR(34) indicates a double quotation mark ("). When Application
Agent-installation-folder does not contain any spaces, you do not need to specify CHR(34).
The following is the specification when there are no spaces:
"C:\drm\bin\drmjobsch.exe" & " -recover -hostname virtual-server-name"
For details on the specification method, consult your VBScript documentation.
'Script-Level Global Variables
Resource.LogInformation("Script-wide code begins execution")
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Function Online( )
Online = 0
Resource.LogInformation "Entering Online"
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec (CHR(34) & "C:\Program Files\CVXPAE
\drm\bin\drmjobsch.exe" & CHR(34) & " -recover -hostname virtual-server-name")
Do While oExec.Status = 0
Set oWait = WshShell.Exec("timeout /t 1")
Resource.LogInformation "Exiting Online"
End Function
Function Offline( )
Offline = 0
End Function
Function LooksAlive( )
LooksAlive = 0
End Function
Function IsAlive( )
IsAlive = 0
End Function
Function Open( )
Open = 0
End Function
Function Close( )
Close = 0
End Function
Function Terminate( )
Terminate = 0
End Function
Configuration Guide 87