Owner's manual

The window also displays information about the following NIC components:
Embedded NIC
Integrated Lights-Out NIC
The NIC displays information about the following networking components:
Embedded NIC
Virtual Interface
Operating system
The Operating System window displays the following information about the operating environment:
File system space used
Logical Disks
Physical Disks
Processor Utilization
The Storage window displays the storage related information, this lists out the controller depending
on the type of controller connected which may be any of the following types:
IDE/SATA controllers
Drive array controllers
External Array Storage systems
Fibre channel tape controller
SCSI controllers
SAS Host Bus adapters
System configuration
The System Configuration window displays the following system related information:
Automatic Server Recovery
Software Version Info
System Board
System Resources
System Summary
Version control
The Version Control window displays information about installed software, such as the name of
the software and the version.
20 HP Insight Management Agents for servers