Owner manual

Subsystem specific to a NetWare operating system 82
General information
The General Information section displays the following information:
User CountThe number of entries in the User Account Table.
Logged-In UsersThe number of licensed connections (logins) in this file server.
Maximum LoginsThe maximum number of licensed connections (logins) supported by this file server. The value
is zero if the maximum number is unlimited.
Connection CountThe current number of entries in the Connection Table. The current number of connections to
this file server includes connection 0 (zero), which is the system connection.
Maximum ConnectionsThe maximum number of connections supported by this file server. The value is zero if
the maximum number is unlimited.
User information
NOTE: Only the operator and administrator have the right to retrieve user information.
The User Information table is sorted by the Name value by default. The table displays the following information for
each user:
Name (sortable)The user login name (the Directory Services full distinguished name where appropriate)
Disk Usage (Kbytes) (sortable)The amount of disk space, in Kilobytes, the user is occupying across all volumes
on this server
Account (sortable)The status of the user account, which can be either valid or expired
Password (sortable)The status of the user password, which can be either valid or expired
Full Name (sortable)The user full name
Last Login Name (sortable)The last user to log in to this server
Connection page
NOTE: Only the operator and administrator have the right to retrieve this connection information.
The Connection page displays NetWare connection information and lists all connections used, including those used
by Workstations, NLMs, and Attachments. The information on this page is sorted by the Name value by default. The
Connection page displays the following information for each connection:
NumberThe connection number. Connection 0 (zero) is used by the system.
Name (sortable)The login name (the Directory Services full distinguished name where appropriate).
Status (sortable)A value that represents the login status of the user. A user can have multiple statuses at the
same time. A status can be one of the following:
Table 3-2 Available status conditions
Not logged in Audited
Logged in Authenticated temporary
Need security change Audit connection recorded
MacStation DS audit connection recorded
Connection abort Logout in progress
Address (sortable)The transport address and domain of the connection.
Connection Time (sortable)The date and time the connection was established.
Loaded NLMs page
The Loaded NLMs page is sorted by loaded order by default. The page displays the following information for each
Name (sortable)The name of the NLM that is currently loaded on the server.