HP Insight Management 7.3 Installation and Configuration Guide

Manually adding the proxy WWNs
With the Matrix Operating Environment 7.2 release (which includes Storage Provisioning Manager
(SPM) version 2.2), SPM can manage the zoning of initiator and target WWNs. When upgrading
from Insight Dynamics version 6.3 to Matrix Operating Environment version 7.1, SPM creates an
Open Zoned unmanaged network for the pre-existing storage connections. That is, the Zoning
State in the XML is set to Open rather than Zoned. This allows Matrix Operating Environment and
SPM to operate similar to when SPM did not manage this zoning. The administrator can continue
to create SPM-based storage pool entries through Matrix Operating Environment, and manually
handle their zoning without notifying SPM.
However, there are new features in Matrix Operating Environment 7.1, which you can use (including
the management of zoning through SPM, and auto-generation of storage pool entries based on
Matrix Operating Environment service template storage information). To use these new capabilities,
you have to make changes to the upgraded configuration as previously described (or in a freshly
installed 7.1 configuration). If you are using open zoning, no changes are required. If you are
using zoning, SPM can manage it automatically assuming appropriate instrumentation in a Brocade
SAN environment. SPM also provides the ability to handle unmanaged SANs. For more information
about unmanaged networks, see the Appendix F in the HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM)
v2.2 User Guide available at: www.hp.com/go/matrixoe/docs.
To use unmanaged SANs which are not open zoning (that is, zoning is done out-of-band to Matrix
Operating Environment and SPM), the Zoning State of the network description in the XML file must
be set to Zoned, and the SPM GUI must be used to indicate Allow External Processing
(Select Networks in the navigation tree of SPM, click the name of the network to be modified,
choose Edit Network from the Network Actions menu, check the Allow External Processing check
box visible in the Overview tab, then click OK).
These changes enable SPM to return storage to Matrix while noting the need for external processing
(out-of-band zoning). Matrix Operating Environment is aware of the need for this external processing
and will pause the workflow, sending an email indicating that zoning needs to be performed.
When zoning has been done, and the SPM XML files have been edited to reflect that zoning, then
the Matrix Operating Environment workflow can be resumed, and the storage should be accessible
to hosts.
To use unmanaged SANs which are open zoning (which have no zoning), it is not necessary to
change the zoning state of the XML file or the network within SPM. When provisioning storage on
open zoned SANs, the Matrix Operating Environment workflows need not be paused for manual
Proxy WWNs should be manually added to both zoned and open zoned unmanaged networks
within their unmanaged network XML files, and In order for SPM to properly provision storage,
continuing maintenance of the XML files that represent unmanaged networks must be performed
to ensure that SPM has correct data on the state of the networks.
NOTE: If SPM is upgraded from a version in the 1.x series to a version in the 2.x series, the
upgrade process creates an unmanaged SAN xml file representing the network endpoints present
in the SPM 1.x catalog being upgraded. This file is called UpgradeUnmanagedNetworks.xml,
and is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Storage Provisioning Manager\
state\unmanaged_san\UpgradeUnmanagedNetworks.xml. Unmanaged networks are
networks which SPM 2.2 cannot manage automatically. SPM learns about unmanaged networks
by reading the XML files placed at C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Storage Provisioning
Manager\state\unmanaged_san\. For more information about unmanaged networks, see the
HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) User Guide.
The following is an example of the contents of the unmanaged network XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SanResourceCollection xmlns="urn:SPM_SanResourceCollection_1">
60 Optional post-installation configuration