Accessing Files Programmer's Guide (32650-90885)

186 Chapter13
Maintaining File Security
Traditional Mechanism for File Security
You always retain the ability to change the security provisions of a file that you have
created, even when you are not allowed to access the file in any mode; thus, you can even
change the provisions to allow yourself access.
Suspending and restoring security provisions
You may temporarily suspend the suspending and restoring security:files| security
restrictions on any disk file that you create. This allows the file to be accessed in any mode
by any user; in other words, it offers unlimited access to the file. You suspend the security
provisions by entering the RELEASE command. (File lockword protection, however, is not
removed by this command.) The RELEASE command does not modify the file security
settings recorded in the system; it bypasses them temporarily. The RELEASE command
remains in effect until you enter the SECURE command in this or a later job or session.
To release the security provisions for the file named FILESEC in your logon group, enter:
If the file has a lockword and that you wish to remove that as well as all account-level,
group-level, and file-level security provisions, you must use the RENAME command, as well
as the RELEASE command:
RELEASE FILESEC <---- Removes security provisions
To restore the security provisions of a file, use the SECURE command. For example:
The original security restrictions for the file will be in effect.