Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services (MPE/iX 6.5)

102 Chapter7
Samba/iX Services
Starting and Stopping Samba/iX
Starting and Stopping Samba/iX
This section covers the steps to start or stop Samba/iX.
Starting Samba/iX
Before you start to run Samba/iX server or client components, you
should have set up the TCP/IP networking on your HP 3000 system as
well as your PC. On the HP 3000 system side, you should have a proper
IP address and subnet mask configured in NMMGR as well as
NETCONTROL START successfully executed. You must choose to start
SMBD and NMBD either as listener jobs or under control of INETD.
Disable Resource Sharing
If your system has NBDAEMON.PUB.HPLANMGR running, then SMBD and
NMBD will not be able to use ports 137 and 139 as NBDAEMON
already binds to them. The workaround solution is to stop the
PDSERVER process. The NBMON and NBDAEMON processes will not
start because of this workaround. This can be done by modifying the file
PDSSERV.NET.SYS by changing the line 7 from 1 to 0. This will setup
PDSSERVE for non-reserved servers.
The following shows the steps of making non-reserved servers:
1. Modify the file PDSSERV.NET.SYS and change the line 7 from 1 to 0.
2. Shutdown the network.
4. Start the network back up.
5. The command nscontrol status=services should show
non-reserved PDSERVERs.
Verify Link Configuration
The default assumes that LAN link configuration in NMMGR is
SYSLINK. You need to run the following command to get the IP address
and subnet mask of your HP 3000 system; you will need this
information for future Samba/iX configuration file updates with the
“interfaces” parameter.
1. Logon as manager.sys
2. Enter the command Netcontrol status; net=LAN1