Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services (MPE/iX 6.5)

198 AppendixB
BIND 8 Configuration File
zone “” {
type master; // what used to be called “primary”
file “”;
check-names fail;
allow-update { none; };
allow-transfer { any; };
allow-query { any; };
// notify yes; // send NOTIFY messages for this
// zone? The global option is used
// if “notify” is not specified
// here.
also-notify { }; // don’t notify any nameservers other
// than those on the NS list for this
// zone
zone “” {
type slave; // what used to be called “secondary”
file “”;
masters {; // where to zone transfer from;
check-names warn;
allow-update { none; };
allow-transfer { any; };
allow-query { any; };
max-transfer-time-in 120; // if not set, global option is used.
also-notify { }; // don’t notify any nameservers other
// than those on the NS list for this
// zone
zone “” {
type stub; // stub zones are like slave zones,
// except that only the NS records
// are transferred.
file “”;
masters {; // where to zone transfer from;
check-names warn;
allow-update { none; };
allow-transfer { any; };
allow-query { any; };
max-transfer-time-in 120; // if not set, global option is used.
zone “.” {
type hint; // used to be specified w/ “cache”
file “cache.db”;