Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services (MPE/iX 6.5)

98 Chapter7
Samba/iX Services
Samba/iX Configuration File Options
Configuring the Shares for File Sharing
The PCs can access the server side filespaces using Samba/iX.
Whenever the clients want to connect to the server, the server side
validates the username and password which are sent by the client and
grants access to the requests share if it is appropriate.
You can configure the file service with guest access and the Samba/iX
server can grant to the guest users without a validated user ID and
Share level security is the default security level in Samba/iX. The
following example shows the configuration steps you can use to
configure with
[global] and [service] section with security = share:
1. Add in the
[global] section the following parameter: security =
2. To add a share, the entries can be given in the example below:
[sample shares]
comment = shared space
guest ok = no
write ok = yes
path = /sample/test
3. Add a username mapping in “” file. For example:
mgr.sample = pcusername
4. When you connect a share from a PC, the password format that you
enter from a PC should be userpassword, acctpassword.
NOTE For accessing share/user security modes, both SAMBA account and
MGR.SAMBA user should have PM capabilities.
Configuring a Printer Section for Printer Sharing
The PCs can access the server side printer using Samba/iX. With
printer sharing the client creates a file on the server directory
associated with the printer, and then lets the server process trigger a
configurable command to push the file into the MPE spooler.
[printers] section works in conjunction with the printcap file and
allows to configure a large number of printer shares without having to
add separate detailed sections for each of them. The printer names and
option aliases are listed in the printcap file.
Here is an sample example of printer names in the samp-printcap file
which resides in /usr/local/samba/lib: