Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

Chapter 7 231
The Dictionary DICTCDE Utility
Initiating DICTCDE
Initiating DICTCDE
DICTCDE can be initiated from within a session or from within a job stream. The
following describes how to execute DICTCDE interactively (from within a session). For
information on how to execute DICTCDE from within a job stream, see Changing Input,
List and Output Files discussed later in this section.
DICTCDE assumes that the Dictionary resides in DICT.PUB of the logon account. To
redefine the Dictionary, you can use an MPE file equation or you can use the option
provided by DICTCDE to change the Dictionary. (The Dictionary option is discussed in
detail later in this section.)
To execute DICTCDE, enter the following MPE command:
After the DICTCDE banner is displayed, the following message and prompt are issued:
Type ? at any prompt for help
Dictionary password>
The above message indicates that the Help facility can be invoked by entering a question
mark (?) in response to any prompt. The Help facility gives a brief description of the
prompt in question.
Enter the password for the Dictionary. If the Dictionary password is entered incorrectly or
is an invalid password for the Dictionary, DICTCDE will issue the following error message:
Password is invalid
DICTCDE will then continue to prompt for the Dictionary password until a valid password
is entered. If [[RETURN]] is pressed in response to this prompt, DICTCDE will terminate.
If DICTCDE cannot open the Dictionary, the following error message are issued:
ERROR: Cannot open dictionary
dictionary name
Check to see that the Dictionary is in the correct group and account. If a file equation was
used to redirect the Dictionary, check that the Dictionary name was entered correctly.
DICTCDE will then ask for a new Dictionary to be entered and will also prompt for the
password for that Dictionary.
Once the specified Dictionary and password have been accepted by DICTCDE, the
following prompt is issued:
Copylib file name>
Enter the COBOL copylib file name to which you are directing the generated source code.
The copylib file name may be up to 35 characters maximum and may be fully qualified and
have a lockword. The name must be a valid MPE file name. If the specified copylib file
already exists, DICTCDE will open that copylib file and append any source code generated
to the contents of that file. If the specified file name exists, but it is not in KSAM copylib
format, DICTCDE will issue an error message and then reprompt for the copylib file name.
If the specified file name does not exist, DICTCDE will issue the following prompt:
File filename does not exist, create it (N/Y)>