Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

Chapter 7 247
The Dictionary DICTCDE Utility
The DICTCDE Main Prompt
If [[RETURN]] is pressed in response to this prompt, DICTCDE will continue to the next
Prompt for all sections of MPE/KSAM definitions (Y/N)>
Enter N to suppress the prompts for the copylib modules for the SELECT statement and
the FILE SECTION entry for an MPEF, MPER, or KSAM file. (Only the copylib for the
WORKING-STORAGE record will be prompted for.) Enter Y to prompt for the copylib
modules for the SELECT statement, FILE SECTION entry, and WORKING-STORAGE
record for an MPEF, MPER, or KSAM file as DICTCDE normally issues them.
If [[RETURN]] is pressed in response to this prompt, DICTCDE will continue to the last
option as follows:
Prompt for VPLUS field types and number tables (Y/N)>
Enter N to suppress the prompts for the VPLUS field types (PIC 9 or PIC X) and for the
VPLUS field number tables for the forms files and forms extracted from the Dictionary. If
these prompts are not issued, all the forms extracted from the Dictionary will be generated
without field number tables, and the numeric fields in the forms will be generated as PIC 9
numeric fields.
When a response is made, or [[RETURN]] is pressed in response to this prompt, DICTCDE
will reissue the main prompt.