Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

322 AppendixC
DICTIONARY/3000 Initialization Procedure
The present contents of the dictionary will be stored by DICTINIT, to be
recovered into the new dictionary when it is created. This store file may be
quite large, and you may not have the disk space to hold it. In this case,
you may store it to tape. Otherwise, request DICTINIT to use a disk file, as
in this example.
FROM/<your account>/PLEASE RUN DICTINIT.PUB.SYS,UPDATE End of step one.
<The Dictionary/3000 initialization program banner appears here>
Initialization/Re-initialization (I/R) >r Select R to re-initialize.
Dictionary capacities: Default or Provided (D/P) >d Use defaults.
DATA-ELEMENT will have capacity 1001 Listing of capacities.
CATEGORY-ELEMENT will have capacity 500
Press RETURN to continue >
GROUP-ELEMENT will have capacity 1000
REPORT-LIST will have capacity 500
Are the capacities correct? (Y/N) >y
Password for MANAGER access >DICTMGR Enter passwords for the various
security levels.
Password for PROGRAMMER access >
Password for INFORM access >DICINF
Password for DOCUMENTATION access >
Password for REPORT access >DICRPT
Password for MANAGER access will be DICTMGR Listing of passwords.
There will be no PROGRAMMER access allowed
Password for INFORM access will be DICINF
There will be no DOCUMENTATION access allowed
Password for REPORT access will be DICRPT
Are the passwords correct? (Y/N) >y