Dictionary/3000 Reference Manual (32244-90001)

70 Chapter4
DICTDBM Commands
responding Y to this prompt now results in the prompt PRIMARY
ALREADY EXISTS, CONTINUE(Y/N)?. The default response of Y makes
this the primary path and cancels the primary path previously identified;
path previously identified remains active.
(P/S)? Enter P if this element is to be added to the Primary format for this file.
Enter S if this element is to be added as a Secondary format for this file.
DEFAULT is P (Primary format).
(See the discussion of the ADD command for more information on Primary
II programs only.
PROCEDURE Enter the name of an existing procedure (20 characters maximum).
ALIAS Enter the name by which the procedure is known within the location (8
characters maximum). If [[RETURN]] is pressed in response to this
prompt, the alias becomes the first 8 characters of the procedure name.
LINK Enter -1, 0, or a positive integer to specify the preferred elements to be
used in linking files. The numbers indicate the following:
-1 The element can not be used for linking.
0 The element may or may not be used for linking
1 or more The element should be used as a link when possible;
elements assigned a positive value form a prioritized list
to be used when it is necessary to link files (the lower the
positive integer, the higher the priority).