MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

chmod(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities chmod(1)
Message: Unknown or missing operator in symbolic mode "mode-
Cause: When using the symbolic mode to indicate new access permissions, you speci-
fied a string modestring which was either missing an operator or contained an
operator that chmod does not recognize.
Action: Make sure that all mode values in symbolic mode contain one of the following
operators: +, -,or=.
Message: Octal mode may contain only digits [0-7] in numstring
Cause: When using the octal mode to indicate new access permissions, you specified a
string numstring which contained a character other than the digits 0 to 7.
Action: Make sure that all mode values in octal mode are valid octal numbers, contain-
ing only the digits 0 through 7.
POSIX.2. x/OPEN Portability Guide 4.0.
The –f option and the t permission are extensions to the POSIX
The current MPE/iX implementation of chmod does not allow you to modify the access permis-
sions of the root directory, account directories, and group directories. Also, use of the sticky
bits is not allowed.
MPE/iX, chmod is available as both a built-in shell utility and an external utility.
For more information on how the current
MPE/iX implementation may affect the operation of
this utility, see Appendix A, MPE/iX Implementation Considerations.
lc(1), ls(1), umask(1)
Commands and Utilities 1-91