MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

co(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities co(1)
Keyword Meaning
The login name of the user who checked in the revision.$Author$
The date and time the revision was checked in.$Date$
A standard header containing the full path name of the RCS
file, the revision number, the date, the author, and the state.
Same as $Header$, except that the
RCS file name is without
a path.
The login name of the user who locked the revision (empty if
not locked).
The log message supplied during check-in, preceded by a
header containing the RCS file name, the revision number, the
author, and the date. Existing log messages are not replaced.
Instead, the new log message is inserted after $Log:...$.
This is useful for accumulating a complete change log in a
source file.
The symbolic name of the revision.$Name$
The name of the
RCS file without path.$RCSfile$
The revision number assigned to the revision.$Revision$
The full path name of the RCS
The state assigned to the revision.$State$
Table 1-4: Table of RCS Keywords
File Modes
The working file inherits the read and execute permissions of the
RCS file. In addition, the
owner’s write permission is turned on unless the file is checked out unlocked and locking is
set to strict (see rcs(1)).
If a file with the name of the working file already exists and has write permission, co aborts
the check-out if –q is given, or asks whether to abort if –q is not given. If the existing work-
ing file is not writable or –f is given, the working file is deleted without asking.
The person who enters the command must have write permission in the working directory,
read permission for the
RCS file, and either read permission (for reading) or read/write permis-
sion (for locking) in the directory which contains the RCS file.
A number of temporary files are created. A semaphore file is created in the directory of the
RCS file to prevent simultaneous update.
Commands and Utilities 1-113