MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

comm(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities comm(1)
comm — compare sorted files and show differences
comm [–123] file1 file2
comm locates identical lines within files sorted in the same collating sequence, and produces
three columns; the first contains lines found only in the first file, the second lines only in the
second file, and the third lines which are in both files.
comm accepts the following options:
–1 suppresses lines that appear only in file1
–2 suppresses lines that appear only in file2
–3 suppresses lines that appear both in file1 and file2
The options suppress individual columns; thus to list only the lines common to both files, use
comm -12
To find lines which are unique to one file or the other use
comm -3
Observe that
comm -123
displays nothing.
Possible exit status values are:
0 Successful completion.
1 Failure because of an error opening or reading an input file or because of an invalid com-
mand line option.
Message: comm: file "filename": system error
Cause: See syserror(3).
Action: See syserror(3).
Commands and Utilities 1-119