MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual, Vol 1

ed(1) MPE/iX Shell and Utilities ed(1)
Message: ’m’ and ’t’ require destination address
Cause: You issued an m or t command but did not provide a destination address.
Action: Provide a destination address with the m or t command.
Message: Mark name must be lower case
Cause: You attempted to use the k command to mark an addressed line with a character
other than a lowercase letter.
Action: Use k to mark the line with a lowercase letter.
Message: Missing trailing delimiter after pattern.
Cause: You specified a pattern as part of a ed command but did not delimit it.
Action: Provide a trailing delimiter for the pattern.
Message: Name too long
Cause: The file name specified on the ed command line was too long.
Action: Use a shorter file name.
Message: Need space after command
Cause: You did not separate a command from its file name argument with a space.
Action: Re-enter the command with the required space.
Message: No match found for regular expression
Cause: The / command failed to find any matching lines.
Action: Try a different regular expression.
Message: no memory for line number tables
Cause: There were not enough free system resource to allocate initial resources for ed.
Action: Free up more system resources and restart program.
Message: no memory for pages
Cause: There were not enough free system resources to allocate initial resources for
Action: Free up more system resources and restart program.
Message: No remembered file name
Cause: You tried to execute a command that uses a remembered file name when there
was no remembered file name.
Action: Issue the command again, but specify a file name this time.
Message: No remembered regular expression
Cause: You attempted to use & to refer to a remembered regular expression when there
was no remembered regular expression.
Action: Issue the command again, but specify a regular expression this time.
1-204 Commands and Utilities